Patriarchy, MONOTHIESM and the discovery of Nature’s wrath

April 14th, 2013

Had Einstein been right,
everything around would be blowing up…
(like it does… when those ideas are applied):
the BIG BANG noise.


April 8th, 2013

was a woman:

universal law #1:

December 30th, 2012


universal law #2: RESULTS

this works in an exponential round


December 13th, 2012

is states of rigidity
among the narrow-minded

the shape of the universe

December 7th, 2012

is of the resemblance to the child toy, SPINNING TOP.
consisting of 2 parts: the straight, pumping one (Masculine) and the round, gyrating and expanding one (Feminine). Same model applies to the rhythm/pitch relationship. Audio example is Chopin’s Fantasia-Impromptu, the middle section of which portrays pumped-in potential or the content of the round sphere, that will “incarnate”, while the outer parts describe the spinning top mechanism. (Refer to earlier notes on this website.)
Exercise: at the lumber yard, look for grade 5 lumber and analyze curves and shapes revealed by exposing interior as a flat surface. (Remember: the tree of life…)
Universe did not begin with the point and will not collapse back into a point, but the round part will release itself from the pumping part and will fly into the unknown to bring its content to new realizations.

Evil-livE, evolution, devil-lived

December 3rd, 2012

Evil is a backing down the evolutionary ladder, “going against God”


November 17th, 2012

Of course, David having been such a great speaker is being dragged around by his own mouth.
Chinese Dragon, among other antique reptilian images around the world, is the peoples’ intuitive perception of the Solar System.
Reptilian is also the necessary developmental state for every mammalian embryo,
What might be of interest is how readily we gyrate between “HUMAN” and our other lesser states of being (such as reptilian among others) into which we can be “helped” by traumatic experiences, fear, etc. which explains obvious “inhumane-ness” of the stressed out wealth and power grabbers. Reptile as an image of a conqueror. This dynamic can also be very fruitfully explored in the realm of the relationship of sexes. Stress and masculinisation, strength and stability of lower evolutionary forms, etc., a poor girl and a prince as “ideal match”.
And should have this race of reptilians existed it would not make much impact breeding-wise, only would it make a difference in terms of lessons of morality.
That brings up next topic:
Christianity as “child” religion.

God’s wild oats and bringing Goddess to Life

October 18th, 2012

Bacteria is THE life form
able to survive the Outer-space travel.
Evolution is
its potential fulfilled through interaction with hospitable environment
(now it’s plankton, now it’s trees, now it’s us).

VAGUENESS of common sense

September 13th, 2012

vs. RIGIDITY of logic


September 12th, 2012

when a “square root” is no longer a side of a square
is no longer
both ancestors…

a square is a special case of a Circle AS WELL AS of a Rectangle
(check out Leonardo).
So, while a rectangle is easily measured in square units,
a circle CAN’T be measured in square units (hey, guys!)
and the square can only CONDITIONALLY be measured in square units, being a halfway between the rectangle and a circle.

In other words, it is this “ABSTRACTION”, based on blindness to the missing links that
translates into destructiveness
of new “discoveries” ( An abstract square of 50 square units will surely bust compared with same as 2 squares of 49
and 1 square units).
So… find a “square root” of 50…??! Is this ADD… or what?

all materials used here are for educational purpose only