
August 12th, 2009

polarized the point,
to stretch into a line
then curve into a circle
and burst?


August 12th, 2009

until the egg is fertilized,
its capability of producing life
is nill,
universe could not have started from a point,
until that point polarized
by penetration:
a pile of rocks attacked by thought
fuel attacked by engine
light rippling over darkness

sick of hearing the words

August 6th, 2009

on the origins of life?-
listen to music
it’s there
in the original key.

intelligent design?

August 6th, 2009

which part of the universe is unintelligent?


August 5th, 2009

is the biggest number

there is got to be

August 5th, 2009

only one explanation to the independently persistent occurrence of the ideas below throughout time,
a zero may had been an egg and 1- a sperm. So 1 fractured 0,or rather penetrated it, set life forth, became an intelligent digestive tract (a black hole, god, dragon, a string,) – a sort of prototype of all that later spun off in the periphery or orbits (small spinning off the big).


August 3rd, 2009

is only a suggestion, a parabolic view of an idea, a child play – NOT A SCIENCE!

dimension or embryo orbit theory

August 3rd, 2009

10 dimensions is a pathetic result of a deranged attempt to find grace in a homogenized numerical system, by straining beyond one’s intelligence through addition of lines.
there are only 2 dimensions, manifest in front of our eyes: Masculine and Feminine, with subsequent orbits, in which they continue to realize their relationship:
0 – egg, feminine
1 – penetrating sperm, masculine
2 – (4,8.16,32,etc) masculine, or emanating ray (pulsation of the embryo by dividing in halves)
3 – (5,7,9,11,etc.take a note how numbers are separated by 2) feminine, or a curve of the above ray at the boundaries (back towards the embryo, influencing pulsation of the fetus from with-out by odd numbers progressively),
the above 2 and 3, where 3 is curling under the influence of relentless 2 and boundaries of the egg, producing more of themselves, are in centripetal/centrifugal relationship (pay attention to the geometrical-artistic rendition of those numbers).
so, 1/0 is a prototype orbit, and 2 and 3 are a connection to its replication, that carries a “photographic” image with slight variation and is a spin-off of the energies in the 1/0 domain; (an interesting corresponding illustration of this is a sonata-allegro form in classical music)
after that, everything else is a product of 2 and 3, times growing embryo, and are further orbits, (check out overtones).
some examples:
quantum physics is nothing more than nihilistic straining;
want more material for tracing the dynamics of the relationship between structures of the universe and the world of humans? – look at mythology, art and music with your mind’s eye,
predation and self-sacrifice
a shark – a portable black hole, (or anything with a digestive tract)
gods and gods incarnate

ONE into ZERO is an inherently masculine-feminine or centripetal-centrifugal. orbital universe, with the digestive tract in the middle, spinning its images in the successive orbits; BIG BANG could have happened when the egg hatched…there could be more “sperm” that came or can come out of where the above one came from.
ORIGINAL organism, (God, Dragon, Black hole,whatever you might prefer to call it,) is an embodiment of laws it was created by, and thus dictating through replication.
throw away your crutches, Mr. Einstein!

July 27th, 2009

the job of a leader is
to beat masses with logic
until all feminine is fallen aside
and what’s left
resembles a speer.

July 27th, 2009

is a memory, a relish of the past;
is rebellion, a destruction of the future;
but intuition
a reality, a SELF