there is

June 20th, 2011

a difference
between those who aspire to become gods
…and those who SIMPLY are.

KINDOM a not-so-new social system

June 17th, 2011

diversity is the product of FM INTERACTION;
as one or another prevail, we get:
hierarchy, as monarchy,-a masculine organization of diversity,
at its highest point will become tyranny;
egalitarianism, as democracy,-a feminine organization of diversity,
at its purest runs a risk of deteriorating into
a retarded human monoculture.
Now, how about a third: the babies,
or a system based on KINSHIP of all produced by interaction of F and M.
This system has been around in a seedling form
since the beginning of mankind,
English nearly hit a bulls-eye, when they called
themselves UNITED KINGDOM, but got outmaneuvered
through spelling; (the evil spell)
Jewish have been predicting it for centuries with some clues as far as
what it might require, however with definite
entrenchment in monotheism…
we all know what happened in Russia…
KINDOM is a system, in which
F and M are united in
their offspring;
on human level,
this system, based on new awareness, will
propel humankind into a higher orbit
of individual belonging.

musical sound

June 17th, 2011

is the key to the universe


May 22nd, 2011

subject to speed and pressure,
is the transformation of bacteria
as she is pushed through
layers of oncoming orbits.
Illustrated by the development
of human fetus


May 2nd, 2011

is everywhere where a minus can find a plus.

Solar System,

March 19th, 2011

replicated in a fertilized egg,
is a prototype for
a digestive and a reproductive
orbiting planets outline the boundaries of the
contracting womb, directing pulsating cosmic energies inward,
with Sun as an ejaculation
and the Earth…a fertilized egg.

did the giraf’s

March 9th, 2011

neck grow
instead, did
his body shrink
to reflect
a more sophisticated digestive system?

“evolution” is a

March 9th, 2011

the unfolding bit of the
circular process of

more on the theory of INTERACTION

March 9th, 2011

the energies of Sun and Stars
lend themselves to us
in the form of food (masculine)
as we (feminine) ingest it, we
interact with possibilities
to be changed and then we (masculine) carry on
with changing our environment (feminine).
Illustrated in the ritual of the
Christian communion.


March 1st, 2011

the word “hell” and “Helios” sprout from the same intuitive thought?