August 8th, 2013

butter, curds and whey.

separation of butter from buttermilk by application of circular motion (Sun),
separation of curds (Terra) from whey (Ocean),

molds growing into a brain

it is clear now: aquatic ape, angels, life on mars, life on the moon, pruning of the vine, time of cleansingpyramids, meager

August 5th, 2013

archeological evidence of the “GOLDEN AGE”, “ANTI-GRAVITY”, cosmic radiation and mutations, Aliens vs alien conditions on Earth, the “sky is falling” and on and on…..
As the Solar System enters its 9-12 faze of her Galactic travel, her activity begins to slow down by the proximity to the galactic pole (refer to earlier posts on this site). The Sun begins to dim, the Earth’s surface loosens its contacts, everything begins to gradually take to the sky, oceans expand upward, atmosphere thins. rocks slowly lift off the ground. As she neared 12 o’clock, everything took off, except the pyramids which were still hovering above the Earth…housing the “hide-aways’…
As the solar system resumed its movement, the civilizations were scattered all over the planets; as far as Earth, the “sky was falling” and oceans were raining into place after 12 o’clock. May be with some surprises acquired: this event put the Earth in a position of vulnerability to penetration by other planetary systems in the same condition and close proximity, as well as POLLINATION from the POLE?
As far as more detail is concerned: in more advanced cultures, people navigated through the air with the help of most simple pair of “wings”, others sat in water; at the critical moments of “anti-gravity”, rocks could be assembled into Pyramids and other structures, and interestingly, the expressions on the faces of the Easter Island’s monuments was exactly: there they go!

By the way, same thing happened to dinosaurs earlier!

Madam Blavatsky’s, Rudolf Steiner’s

August 2nd, 2013

idea of races is a valid one when seen as a verb and an interpretation of the theory of evolution:

THE EMERGENCE OF HUMANNESS: from potential to kinetic
1. exist in a form of a potential and is “UNSEEN” by the naked eye (bacteria)
2. development unfolding in the environment of the ocean (fish) or “JELLYING”
3. features more and more pronounced as the animal kingdom emerges (telepathic communication, flying of the objects heavier than air: birds)
4. “budding”” and the emergence of HUMANOIDS
5. “blossoming” and the explosion of the Earth’s population by HUMANS,

These ideas are possibly the “MISSING LINK” and the critical compliment to the Darwinian version.

more laws…?

July 12th, 2013

that’s feminine

those who are waiting for the evolutionary leap

July 9th, 2013

should consider that the evolution is not a STRAIGHT line,
but a CURVE

2 interlocking triangles…

June 26th, 2013

Oh, yea….?

sacred geometry, platonic solids

June 24th, 2013

fail if understood as an inert shape(s) inside
a fixed circle.
Make them interact. (FM)
This is e-v-o-l-u-t-ion, but life began before then

leonardo’s drawing

June 23rd, 2013

of a man superimposed over the interlocking triangles is faulty.
The image does not seem complete without a tail and a horn.
The right way should have been to superimpose a man

over the 5 petal flower.

emptiness is

May 30th, 2013


through scientific exploration and observation

April 17th, 2013

I just discovered a piece of poop in my yard.