trinity triangle, the shepherd(esses) and the sheep, phoenix,solar system

December 31st, 2011

directed by the planets (shepherdesses),dark matter (holy ghost),
compressed, ignited, transformed and escaped, (father)
projected or cooled off into Newtonian reality (child)
then back to the dark matter.
It is possible that our “souls” are invisible, because, when they are
uncompressed again, they are too big;
the emission processes throughout our lifetime
sending out the left-over in the end.

visual reference: El Greco., dancing clip from “singing in the rain”, etc.

Earth’s layered atmosphere could be
the accumulations of our and our ancestor’s ‘souls’
going through stages of departure
back to the dark matter.

at any point of your life

December 23rd, 2011

you are the oldest
you’ve ever been…
…and the youngest
you’ll ever be.


December 5th, 2011

is a fight between
Masculine and Feminine.
A disease.

money is

December 5th, 2011


panis angelicus

November 17th, 2011

is a take on similarities
digestive and reproductive

it seems, scientists

November 8th, 2011

are getting keener on naming our
well, anyone who ever wrote any VERSES
is aware
that each new one is followed by
or a repeated word or feeling;
So, I would not be in a rush
to throw MONOTHEISM-a focus,”a ONE of you”-
rather, through sensitivity to our intuitive belief,
we then can gauge our position
in our VERSE’S pulse:
impending order or chaos,
impending love or separation.

big bang

November 7th, 2011

hasn’t so far
there is a place for an event like that, when the light escaped the “cauldron”, a dramatic event, but carefully prepared – not an explosion.
reference: Tchaikovsky, Symphonic works, in which same idea recurs: great tightening followed by escape of light.

do we at all times

November 7th, 2011

remain HUMAN?
is evolutionary plateau
a guarantee
or just a slippery sur-face
which sends some effortlessly
back into canine or, further yet, reptilian
will travel all the way

is the brain

October 27th, 2011

a “sign” of intelligence
or an accumulator of intelligence,
is nature preparing for something?-a leap…?
The animal “spinal” area is emptied into the head,
to bring human evolution full circle back to the shape of the…

our orgasmic numerical system

October 4th, 2011

reflects our intuitive grasp of our origins:
0-space, 1-energy
yet, currently,
as we attempt to perform addition or subtraction between 1 and 0,…
0 disappears,
as we multiply or divide them,…
1 disappears, (we must’ve approached it wrong, since the very element
which characterizes the action we are trying to perform
disappears… personality?)
so we must
…marry them,
that number is 10…(attention, dear cabala friends)
remember parents’ wedding photo?
look, how cute! they are standing side by side..;
as 1 enters 0, energy collapses on itself within the boundaries of the vibrating orbit,
producing a pitch,
in following patterns:
2332 which attracts 3223
also a-symmetric
2323 or 3232
which attracts its like.
the rest of the numbers reflect
COMPLEXITIES (not volume) of the relationships
between M and F (2 and 3), for instance, 7 is 2-3-2 (MFM)), etc.

addition of 0’s, like in 100 etc.,
represents the number of orbits or combination of spaces (house?) the given numerical complexity
resides within.