the chicken and the egg

January 19th, 2009

the chicken and the egg
transition and perfection

predatory transition accumulates perfection
through addition and subtraction

the chicken lays the egg

self-sacrificial perfection
proceeds then from
division to multiplication

why things work

January 18th, 2009

…while scientists calculate with gender-deprived math…
inventors rely on Intuition.


January 18th, 2009

quantifying BIG BANG mathematically is as good as trying to imagine a motorcycle by sniffing its exhaust-one looses track of it the moment the nose hits the pipe, at that moment one must get up and take a LOOK. However, sniffing might be enough, once you’ve SEEN the machine earlier, with the help of INTUITION.

romeo and juliet

January 16th, 2009

let’s consider Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet”. First question to arise is: how much control does a composer have over his
composition?- and the answer will be a resounding “none”!, that is of course if the composer reached the point where selfishness and vanity are not an issue anymore: a novice or a student can take a full credit for the noisy torture they impose on the listener and lately noisy torture is the very focus of a whole pseudo-musical movement to seize one’s attention by signaling “danger”… now back to real music: what do WE accomplish in “Romeo and Juliet”?.. where does he TAKE US?.. DOES this marvel fulfill what it sets out to do – to portray Shakespearian enigmatic love relations?… the answer is “NO”! totally unrelated to its literary outline, this overture intuitively hints on something far more exciting and that is OUR ORIGIN, beginning with great tightening which is then followed by great explosion and expulsion of energies moving in all direction, circular planetary movements, expression of human love, recession of electromagnetism and upward movement-all easily detectable once provided with the clue. the idea of a BIG BANG then takes on a slightly more “human” flare, PRECEDING and permeating the explosion and everything that follows. It is a RELATIONSHIP. first plus second equals third.
you can contact me for a lecture on this topic. Read the rest of this entry »


May 22nd, 2007

music is like the PYRAMIDS of EGYPT which are highly visible, yet nearly totally inaccessible!.. a tour guide will point at them, you can climb them…but what kind of riches will you find within?..and how do you… get out? suppose, you can hire a thief, who’ll show you around;
MUSIC, it is a STATE OF BEING, a REALM OF EXISTENCE with its language and visionaries (great composers and their music);
ONE can begin to get the drift of what IT MIGHT BE after the scientific discovery of STRING THEORY or a trip back to the stone-age ACOUSTICAL ceremonies, still surviving in Buddhism.

contact me for the series of lectures on this topic.


May 18th, 2007

Charlie Liu, my 6-year-old student, just won the 1st place in MMTA‘s piano competition division 11A for 6-7 year olds!

When Charlie first came to me, he looked like a little doll, cute as a button, which when you wind up will play piano for you beautifully! By then I had decided to quit teaching and just carried on with one faithful student with occasional add-ons. Surely, Charlie changed that – one tends to get overwhelmed with enthusiasm and warm glow finding oneself in the presence of a little miracle (I’m sure I’m biased). Certainly, first, a decision was made to choose the route of studies as a concert pianist; that required emphasis on health (i.e. sports), parental support, piano and of course – concerts, which was abundantly met. Charlie found the same enthusiasm and warm glow everywhere he appeared – THANKS to everyone who helped! SPECIAL THANKS to his parents (Mingyi Liu and Jinghui Xie), who were instrumental in Charlie’s progress, and to his first teacher, Tatyana Berketova, who provided that first safe and nurturing harbor for baby-Charlie.

Here Charlie plays CPE Bach’s Solfeggietto in Prestissimo at Pine Hill Waldorf School Auditorium:


April 24th, 2007