is that the Earth’s realm extends far beyond the “visible horizon”, which encompasses Sun and the rest of the solar system.
Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category
what that means
Saturday, June 2nd, 2018it is clear now
Wednesday, May 30th, 2018The Goddess is with God
Their Love is Light
Their Child is
Tuesday, September 5th, 2017in the Northern Hemisphere, and similar under the true “equator”, is the sweeping of the ocean waters, progressively semi-evaporated, Northward over continents.
Thursday, April 21st, 2016is a spell
Friday, February 12th, 2016is love going symphonic,
symphony is
evolution of love
love is
symphony of evolution
hard work is no substitute for love:
just dig a bigger hole
to some remote predator’s delight…
in it, he might
or not
supply a little blinking light to hang above me……
but when you love me,
my deeds are of another kind
and place… that’s filled with brilliant light,
and spinning highways of hope and foresight
to others;….
and smiles will interrupt the passing of the shovels.