
when a “square root” is no longer a side of a square
is no longer
both ancestors…

a square is a special case of a Circle AS WELL AS of a Rectangle
(check out Leonardo).
So, while a rectangle is easily measured in square units,
a circle CAN’T be measured in square units (hey, guys!)
and the square can only CONDITIONALLY be measured in square units, being a halfway between the rectangle and a circle.

In other words, it is this “ABSTRACTION”, based on blindness to the missing links that
translates into destructiveness
of new “discoveries” ( An abstract square of 50 square units will surely bust compared with same as 2 squares of 49
and 1 square units).
So… find a “square root” of 50…??! Is this ADD… or what?

all materials used here are for educational purpose only

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